Sunday, 3 August 2014

The Big Breakfast

Sherborne Station

Well done to the Runners that turned up for the Sunday Club Run at Sherborne. Phil took one group for a 10 mile run around Dorset and maybe Hampshire or Somerset. While the other group took a 14.5 mile run that did stay in Dorset  I think. Once back at the station a hearty healthy meal was had with lashings of Tea.

We go that way

Sarah Hyett

Thank you all for the 10 miles today in beautiful Dorset . It just wouldn't be a Yeovil run without getting lost !!
 — at Sherborne Castle

Sturminster Half

Some YTRRC runners also headed for Dorset and the Sturn Half. Well done to Pete who managed to beat Matt, is that 2-1 to Pete?

25  1:25:36 ROSE, Paul     Yeovil Town RRC MV50 406 25
85  1:35:10 JAKEMAN, Peter   Yeovil Town RRC MV60 588 85
126 1:41:16 STENNER, Kevin   Yeovil Town RRC MV50 871 126
143 1:43:44 DRIVER, Matt     Yeovil Town RRC MV40 556 143
197 1:49:06 HILLIER, Jonathon Yeovil Town RRC MV50 685 197
233 1:52:36 CURTIS, John      Yeovil Town RRC MV40 517 233
248 1:54:20 BYRNE, Terry      Yeovil Town RRC MV50 629 248
417 2:49:10 WESTON, Kimberly Ann Yeovil Town RRC 711


Good luck to all the YTRRC runners next Sunday especially those doing their first ever Ultra. You know it is worth it for the Super Slam Hat. There will be the normal YTRRC cakes after the race. Any photographs please send them to me for next weeks blog. 

From Phil

Don't forget folks Next Wednesday Haselbury Trail 10K. 1915 start Would be just like the old days for YTRRC to dominate the race

Club Events

1. Tuesday Club Night is at YTRRC 6:30pm 5th Aug

2. Thursday Pub Run is from Royal Oak Hardington 7th Aug

3. Friday is Track Night with Tim and Pete, get down there and help your speed work. You will enjoy it. 6:15pm.

4. Saturday Club Run from just outside YTFC 9:00am

5. Sunday from 
Goldenstones at 9:00am 10th Aug

6. Next Champs Race is Wed 6th 10k Haselbury Trail (SS) 7.30 pm See above from Phil

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