Sunday 10 April 2016

Pen Selwood 10k

Pen Selwood Tough 10km

We had a Championship race today at Pen Selwood so a few Green and Whites turned up.
Orlando Brooke was our first runner over the line with Mel Denham first lady for the Club. Well done to any new Club member's running their first Race in Club Colours.

Well done to Melanie Denham who managed 2nd female over the line. The full results can be seen here.

Bike Run Thingy Race

Jo Henley decided to head down to darkest Cornwall with her tricycle and water wings for the  Penzance Duathlon, she said:

So, not only did I survive this mornings Duathlon in gail's & driving rain, I managed to bag myself 1st place in my age category!! Penzance Duathlon was an amazing event, very well organised & the marshals were brilliant. A medal, hoodie & fantastic goodie bag as well. Happy days. Just have to drive home now, well after my Mums lush lunch that she has kindly made for me.

Well done Jo.

Manchester Marathon

Well done to Catherine and Luke who ran the Manchester Marathon today. Catherine posted:

 5 hours. Considering I couldn't walk two weeks ago not to bad. I ran with Luke at a faster pace to half way then with a friend for a bit too as she was struggling and then ran at a tempo pace from mile 24. The full results can be seen here.

Sadly some people waited longer for their bags than it took to run the race.

Tues Club Run

From Pete:

This coming Tuesday I intend to lead a session from the Play Park adjacent to Stourton Way.  We will jog over to the park via Copse Road, cross Western Avenue and onto Stourton Way.
Once there we will carry out dynamic stretches whilst jogging around the park.  The park is 0.5km per lap, so this week we will be looking at 10km training, in order to do the session you will run 1 km at (your 10km race pace) i.e. 2 laps, on completion you will do one lap jog recovery pace.  Then you will repeat, race pace, jog recovery, race pace until I’m bored or cold.  After that we will use a straight length of path to do “hill repeats”.  In simple terms you will sprint for approximately 70 meters and then turn and jog back to the start, we will do 5/6 of these.

To help you to understand how to “pace” I will include timings etc.  Left hand column will be you 10km race time, right hand column will be the pace for 1km (2 laps).

Hope to see you there.

Race Time:                          1 Km Pace:
40.00                                     04.00
41.00                                     04.06
42.00                                     04.12
43.00                                     04.18
44.00                                     04.24
45.00                                     04.30
46.00                                     04.36
47.00                                     04.42
48.00                                     04.48
49.00                                     04.54
50.00                                     05.00
51.00                                     05.06
52.00                                     05.12
53.00                                     05.18
54.00                                     05.24
55.00                                     05.30
56.00                                     05.36
57.00                                     05.42
58.00                                     05.48
59.00                                     05.54
60.00                                     06.00
61.00                                     06.06
62.00                                     06.12
63.00                                     06.17
64.00                                     06.24
65.00                                     06.30
66.00                                     06.36
67.00                                     06.42
68.00                                     06.47
69.00                                     06.54
70.00                                     06.59
71.00                                     07.05
72.00                                     07.10
73.00                                     07.17
74.00                                     07.23
75.00                                     07.28


Don't for get that the AGM is on the 10th May after the Club run with food laid on as well, the bar will also be open. If you wish to have your views on the Club or ideas on how to improve the Club then come along and have a say. It is your Club so help us by improving it. 

The 5 k series starts this week on the 13th April, we need help setting up and taking down and also marshaling. We also are running the Cake Teas and Coffee's so if you would like to make a Cake then please do.


Club  Events

1. Tuesday Club Night is at YTFC 6:30pm 12th April  Summer Route 3

2. The Pub Run this week is on Thursday at The  The Royal Oak Inn Hardington   6:30pm

3. The next Championship Race is Sun 1st May 10k Glastonbury (SS) 11.00 am  

4. Sunday Long Runs are from Goldenstones 17th Apr at 9:00am. 

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