Snowdonia Marathon
Saturday was the Snowdonia Marathon and I travelled up Friday due to the 260 mile trip. Known as one of the hardest marathons in the UK I would have been happy just to get round before in got dark. Having forgot my Gels and Tooth Brush I survived with some Welsh cooking and a bottle of Red so the next morning I was ready. The weather was great for running and with over 2000 runners and Channel 4 (Wales) filming we were off. The course does have two and a half hills that hurt and the down hill in places is a bit dodgy under foot but I managed a sub 4 with a sprint finish. No medal but a T-Shirt and a Slap of Welsh Slate made up for this. The hardest part was the drive back straight after the race and made Yeovil at 9:00 pm. Still up today for the Sunday run and a gentle 10 miles around Trent. Looking forward to the Thames Meander Marathon next Saturday with a few of the Green and Whites up there as well.
The Stickler
This was a Championship Race and also a 10 miler, sadly no one has sent me anything and the results are not out yet.
United States Marine Corps Marathon
Bryn Phillips completed the USMC Marathon over the pond and posted:
That was hard and a lot tougher course than i thought but done it. Finished in 70th in 2:53:53.
Well done Bryn a great time.
Awards Evening
Voting time, the Awards Night is fast approaching
so we need your votes. You will find attached to this Blog a “Voting Form” and a Form which gives a short explanation of why each award is
given. So, all the Committee ask is that you spend a little time
thinking who in your opinion is most deserving of these awards for
you have decided, complete the Voting Form in your best “joined up
writing” and pass to either myself, Phil MacQuaid or Lesley Nesbitt. We
will also accept all forms of electronic type responses if you are
unable to make it to club nights. Please do this as soon as you can.
Phil’s email –
Lesley’s email -
Pete’s email –
To enable me to complete the Club Championship tables for this year could you let me know your fastest half marathon time and your fastest marathon time (with the name of the race) please. It is your responsibility to let me know as I have no idea what races and times you have done. Many thanks Lesley
Yeovil Town RRC Annual Awards Night
Friday 25th November 2016
Venue: Haselbury Mill, Haselbury Plucknett
3 course Christmas meal with disco after the awards ceremony
Tickets £25 for a club member and £30 for guest
Payment in cash/cheque (YTRRC) to me (Anita) if after Thursday then via Peter Jakeman, Linda Membury, Catherine Thompson Hansford or Joanna Henley. (let me know that you have done this please by either emailing me or IM on here)
Email or message me (Anita Farquhar Rufus) on here your menu choices and I will sort it out when I get back from my hols.

Remembrance Sunday
Good evening all. This year for Remembrance day, 13th November i have organised a wreath to lay on behalf of YTRRC. As part of this i am looking for some volenteers from the Club to take part in the poppy appeal collection, proberly in a supermarket/shop enterance on Saturday 5th and Saturday 12th November. Also the club runs on remembrance morning are planning to finish at the borough in time for the parade. If you can help with the collection in any way even just for a few hours, children welcome, please let me know. Thank you. Katie B
School Cross Country
Primary School Cross Country Races
This Wednesday 2nd November
Yeovil Town Football Club
These are our last races of 2016 - any help between 2.00pm and 5.00pm gratefully received.
Hepworth Half
Well that was a brilliant race, Herepath Half (13.7 trail miles). Myself and Taryn Monks were the only representatives from YTRRC. Definitely one to repeat. Mostly up hills for first 6 miles, then a few nice downhills and, of course more up hills. There were some flat bits too. Total incline of 1300 ft. Mostly thru woodland and open bracken/gorse sections with fantastic views. Oh and must not forget the boggy section to add to the adventure. The organisation and marshalling was brilliant and the huge amount of cakes after were to die for.
1. Nick Sale, Crewkerne RC 01:28:56 (course record)
20. Kate Drew, Taunton AC 01:46:52
109 .Lesley Nesbitt, Yeovil Town RRC 02:21:00
149. Taryn Monks, Yeovil 'Town RRC 02:40:41
The full results can be seen here.
Shepton Mallet 10k
Today saw the Shepton Mallet 10k
From Sarah:
Great as always to see happy Yeovil Town RRC people at the Shepton Mallet 10k race this morning with Stacey Black, Steve Lye, Malcolm Maxted, Joanna Henley & Aubrey Wood, well done everyone.
Yeovil Dark Nights
For those of you that are a bit nuts and like something different, please check out this race...Its Friday evening, so travel might be difficult but I know a few of us are planning to go... For more information see the link here.
Matt Driver
Marks Pub Run
Simon's run tonight was new in parts. We went down Wood Close Lane to Allowenshay. Two left turns took us along a narrow muddy lane (Ludney Lane) to a road junction. From there I think we went straight across, left, then right to Cudworth. It was a long gentle climb. The climb steepened where we came to a junction which seemed very remote and the haunt ot beasts. We descended with views of lights to the left. We continued mostly downwards and straight ahead till we came to a junction with a bigger road. Straight across and down hill back to the pub. Very atmospheric and hilly tonight. Very good.
Club Events
1. Tuesday Club Night is at YTFC 6:15 pm 1st Nov
2. The next Championship Race is Sat TBC 10 ml Yarcombe Yomp 10.30 am
3. Committee Meeting on Wednesday at 6:30pm
3. Committee Meeting on Wednesday at 6:30pm
4. Track session on Friday
5. The Sunday Long Run will be at Montacute 9:00am
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